Resident Information

Welcome to the Claravale Hilbert Residents Page. 

Here you can find information about the process of purchasing land as well as all of the information that you require post settlement.

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Contract Administration

Our Contracts Administration team would be happy to assist with any queries relating to your block or purchase.

You can contact the team at email hidden; JavaScript is required or by clicking the button below.

Img gardening

Fencing & Landscaping


BCM Fencing 
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required


Landscape Australia
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required

Please ensure you include your lot number and Estate name when contacting the above contractors. 

Design Application

To submit your design application, click the button below.

Flower graphic

Parcel Property's Purchasing Guide

Residents Information
You can email email hidden; JavaScript is required or contact the Contract Administration team at Parcel Property who provided you with a copy of your contract.
Please send your queries to email hidden; JavaScript is required, where one of our team members will assist you.
For valuers needing access for finance purposes, please email email hidden; JavaScript is required. Our team will provide you with necessary information regarding site access and contacts. This information is often included in our title update emails sent to buyers, builders, and brokers.
Please send your queries to email hidden; JavaScript is required, where one of our team members will assist you.
Please send your design guideline queries to email hidden; JavaScript is required, and the lead Contracts Administrator will respond.
For LDP queries or zoning questions, please email email hidden; JavaScript is required, and our team will provide the necessary information. 
You can access copies of BAL & Site Reports on our project websites 'Builder Portal' or email email hidden; JavaScript is required for assistance. 
After settlement, you and your builder will take control of the Lot which means Parcel have little impact on what occurs on site. We recommend contacting your Builder with any queries, however, should you wish to discuss with a Parcel team member, please send an email to email hidden; JavaScript is required.
For stage plan queries regarding paths, light poles, or street trees, please contact email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Information about verge trees can be found on our project's Community Page or by contacting email hidden; JavaScript is required for assistance.
Alexis profile
Alexis Buckley-Carr
Phone: 0411 618 906 Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Thanh profile
Thanh Nguyen
Phone: 0414 288 165 Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required